Can You Still Be Successful if You Are Homeschooled?

Homeschooling is an often controversial and misconstrued form of education, causing some to wonder if the homeschool journey is worth the effort or if it will hinder their child’s opportunity for success. So can you still be successful if you are homeschooled?

Homeschoolers can still be just as successful as students attending traditional schools when it comes to both furthering their education and their overall success in life. Standard achievement test scores among homeschoolers are equal to and often better than those with a public school education.

Contrary to the doubts of many, homeschooled students can in fact reach various levels of success. Many distinguished university alumni, successful business owners, and entrepreneurs have had their beginnings in homeschooling.

Teenager studying online

Homeschooled children on average score between 15 and 30 percentile points better than public school students on standard achievement tests.


In this article, we will investigate the advantages of homeschooling, expound on some encouraging stories as examples, and provide useful resources for homeschooling parents and guardians considering such a unique path of learning.

Whether it be a parent evaluating homeschooling for their child or an individual who once homeschooled inquiring about future possibilities, this article is addressed to both parties.

Can You Still Be Successful if You Are Homeschooled?

Homeschooling has grown in popularity as many families embark on the homeschool journey. Parents make the decision to homeschool for a variety of reasons, from religion to worries about public education.

Whatever the driving force, homeschool parents make the decision to provide their children with an alternate form of education.

The range of homeschool programs is vast, depending on what each family wishes for. To fulfill their child’s individual needs, some homeschool parents select to buy curriculum from an online source or publisher.

Additionally, many homeschool teachers make use of local classes or co-ops for socialization and academic enhancement, as well as more affordable curriculum resources. Others create their own program that they believe works best for them.

Having a successful homeschool experience is absolutely attainable with the right mindset and focus. Parents and students can have a successful homeschool experience if they plan carefully and are dedicated to reaching their goals.

The Benefits of Homeschooling

Homeschooling offers a tailored educational approach with lots of advantages for students. With homeschooling, you have the flexibility to adjust your schedule, access personalized support, and focus on topics that are suited to your individual needs and interests. Here, we’ll look at how these benefits can result in academic success.

Customized Education

One of the significant advantages of homeschooling is the opportunity to personalize their education to match their interests and needs. In a conventional school setting, students are generally obligated to learn at a certain pace and in a way that may not be best for them.

However, with homeschooling, guardians or caregivers can modify the curriculum and teaching techniques to suit the learning type and requirements of their child.

This can lead to an improved homeschool education experience that is more stimulating and efficient, aiding learners to feel more motivated and confident in their studies.

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Flexibility in Scheduling

Homeschooling also provides the advantage of adaptable timing. Standardized schools necessitate that students and families conform to strict schedules. This can be difficult for those with substantial timetables or for those who may perform optimally with a varying plan.

Through homeschooling, families can formulate an arrangement that works best for them, no matter if it is a typical school day from 9 to 5 or one with lessons and activities dispersed across the week.

This versatility enables learners to incorporate learning into their lives without difficulty and allows more time for other activities and hobbies.

Opportunity for Personalized Attention and Support

Large class sizes and a shortage of time for personal assistance make it hard for students who could use extra help or guidance to get the attention they need in a conventional academic setting. With homeschooling, though, pupils have the opportunity to obtain individualized care and mentoring from their parents or guardians.

This can be especially effective for students with learning disabilities or special requirements who find it difficult in more traditional school circumstances.

By being able to study one-on-one with a compassionate adult, students can progress at their own speed and receive the supplemental assistance they need to excel.

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Success Stories of Homeschooled Individuals

Homeschooling has faced skepticism regarding its viability because some people see it as a non-traditional educational option. Fortunately, we know that those who choose the homeschool route can and often do succeed greatly.

Everyone, from eminent university graduates to successful entrepreneurs and company owners, is included in the long list of former homeschooled individuals who have made their mark on the world.

Examples of High-Achieving Homeschooled Individuals

The following famous people were homeschooled:

  • Thomas Edison, the inventor of the first commercially available incandescent light bulb, was homeschooled
  • Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, the 26th US president and inspiration for the Teddy Bear, was homeschooled
  • Agatha Christie, a famous mystery novelist, was homeschooled
  • Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, was homeschooled

For the full list of more successful famous people, visit the Insider.

Statistics on the Success of Homeschooled Students

  • The National Home Education Research Institute discovered that homeschooled children scored between 15 and 30 percentile points better than public school students on standard achievement tests
  • According to the Regional Educational Laboratory Program, Students who are homeschooled have a greater chance of completing college, with 77% of them graduating from college, in contrast to 57% of those educated outside the home
  • Comparatively, 63% of homeschooled students partake in community service, compared to only 36% of those in traditional school settings. Courtesy of ERIC Institute of Education Sciences
  • Homeschoolers generally have better job and business prospects, since 24% of them start their own companies, whereas only 14% of those who attend traditional schools do. CNBC

Homeschooling Resources and Support

Homeschoolers have many resources and support systems to help them succeed, such as online classes and curricula, homeschooling organizations, and communities. Discover the top choices in this section and learn how they can aid you on your journey.

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Online Classes and Curricula

In this age of technology, one of the prime advantages of homeschooling is access to online classes and curricula. Due to a broad selection of online courses and programs, homeschoolers can get excellent, dynamic instruction and resources to supplement their education.

Oftentimes, these online programs also furnish aid and advice from qualified teachers and instructional specialists, giving home-educated students the chance to acquire professional guidance.

Notable possibilities for online classes and curricula include:

  • Khan Academy is a nonprofit that provides free, quality educational resources for various subjects
  • Coursera is an online learning platform that provides courses and programs from leading universities and companies globally
  • edX is a platform that offers online courses and programs from renowned universities and institutions, with a particular emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

Homeschooling Organizations and Communities

Joining a homeschooling group or organization can be very beneficial for those who are homeschooling their children. These communities often host events and activities and provide support services that help families connect with others and find resources.

A great place to start is by visiting the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), which is a nonprofit that offers legal help and guidance to those who homeschool.

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Access to Extracurricular Activities

Homeschooled kids have the option to take part in a broad range of extracurricular ventures, just as those taught at traditional schools. Numerous homeschooling organizations and communities offer activities tailored for homeschoolers, like sports groups, clubs, and classes.

Additionally, homeschooled students can get involved in after-school activities through nearby schools, community centers, and other entities. This offers valuable chances for homeschooled kids to socialize, gain new talents, and have a great time.

The Potential Challenges of Homeschooling and How to Overcome Them

Those weighing the pros and cons of homeschooling often worry that their children may miss out on socializing with other youngsters. Additionally, a lack of structure and discipline can make it difficult for some students to succeed.


One of the top concerns with homeschooling is the matter of socialization, or the fear that being homeschooled will impede a student’s chance to interact with their peers. However, surveys have proven that homeschooled students are able to and do possess balanced social experiences.

Homeschooling families usually engage in multiple homeschool activities and networks, which can generate avenues for homeschool students to be socially active with other homeschoolers.

Additionally, homeschooled students can join prearranged activities and pro bono situations, which could give them extra chances to fraternize with an extensive variety of people.

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Lack of Structure

One challenge of homeschooling for some students might be the lack of structure and discipline that may be required for them to thrive academically. Though homeschooling permits a flexible timetable, it is important for households to form routines and establish proper boundaries.

Students can maintain their focus and motivation by setting aside time specifically for academic courses and creating a regular schedule.

Parents may also benefit from setting clear expectations for behavior and learning, along with the implications when those expectations are not met.

Families that choose to homeschool their children can provide the structure and discipline that students need to achieve with careful planning and consistent implementation.

The Role of Parents and Other Caregivers in Homeschooling

Parents and caregivers who are considering homeschooling should understand their role in their child’s education. Although homeschooling can be a rewarding venture, it also needs commitment, energy, and resources.

Challenges and Rewards of Being a Homeschooling Parent

Homeschooling parents must balance great responsibility with merit. It requires an extensive contribution of both time and energy, as well as resources, to fulfill the duties of creating, teaching, and providing instructions to their children. This task can be especially burdensome for parents who have other commitments, such as a job outside the home or additional responsibilities.

On the flip side, being a parent who homeschools can be highly rewarding. Homeschooling allows parents to become involved in their youngster’s education and observe their progress in real-time.

Moreover, it gives parents the chance to strengthen connections with their children while giving them more control over the educational plan, which can be tailored precisely according to their child’s needs and likes.

Homeschooling demands dedication, patience, and a willingness to change. Nevertheless, with the correct planning and support from resources and communities, homeschooling can be a very gratifying experience for both parents and children.

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The Various Homeschooling Methods and Approaches

To determine the best homeschooling option for your child and family, it’s important to understand the various methods and approaches. In this section, we will review some of the most popular homeschooling forms as well as how to make a knowledgeable decision.


Unschooling is a form of homeschooling where the focus is on allowing children to learn by pursuing their interests and developing a passion for learning. Parents provide resources and guidance as needed, creating an individualized learning experience.

Classical Education

Homeschooling with a classical education approach focuses on cultivating the whole person, from their mind to their body and spirit. It emphasizes liberal arts and developing critical thinking skills, along with a structured curriculum including Latin, literature, and math.


The Montessori method is a homeschooling style that acknowledges children’s natural curiosity and need to learn. It encourages exploration and movement and uses special materials and equipment to ensure development at the child’s own pace. The environment created is child-oriented, with room for freedom of expression.

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Choosing the Right Method for Your Family

When selecting a method of homeschooling, consider your child’s learning type, requirements, and hobbies, as well as your own morals and desires as a parent. Researching and exploring various methods to discover the one that best corresponds with your household’s needs might be advantageous.

It is also vital to remember that homeschooling approaches are not all independent of each other and that certain components of different tactics may work nicely for your family.

The main objective is to find an approach that works for you and your child and enables them to realize their fullest potential.

Legal Considerations of Homeschooling

It’s important for those considering homeschooling to understand the legal requirements and regulations in their area, as these vary by location. We’ll provide resources to help you learn about the legal considerations of homeschooling.

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Requirements and Regulations in Different States and Countries

Each state has its own laws pertaining to homeschooling. For example, in the US, it is permissible to homeschool in all fifty states, but the specifics differ depending on where you live. Some states have minimal regulations, while others have tougher restrictions.

Those thinking about home education in America should investigate the regulations thoroughly for their state and make sure they conform to them.

Families that are planning on homeschooling in other countries should research the regulatory requirements, as they vary from place to place.

Some countries have more lenient regulations, while others may be more strict. It is important to make sure that all homeschooling requirements are met.

If you’re researching homeschooling and need to know about the laws in your area, there are resources available to you.

If looking for homeschooling support and info about local legal requirements, seek out local homeschool organizations

The Impact of Homeschooling on College Admissions and Career Opportunities

Many wonder if homeschooling can affect college admissions or future job prospects, but it doesn’t have to. We will look at how homeschooled students are successful in college and their career paths, as well as provide advice and resources for them when preparing for their future.

Homeschooled Students and College Admissions

Homeschooled students have just as good a chance of being accepted into college as other students and even have higher graduation rates (77% compared to 57%). Still, it’s important for homeschoolers to prepare thoughtfully and research each college’s individual requirements.

Tips for Homeschooled Students Applying to College

  • Get a head start: Start exploring college options and their requirements as soon as you can to get an early start
  • Demonstrate your passions and skills to colleges by joining extracurricular activities, volunteering, and pursuing hobbies
  • Select the appropriate courses: Ensure you take the necessary courses and accumulate the credits required for colleges of your choice
  • Gather records and documentation: Be sure to keep accurate records of your homeschooling experience, including transcripts, test scores, and other materials that can be submitted with college applications
  • Get assistance: Connect with college admission offices, homeschooling programs, and other sources to get help with the college application process

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Homeschooled Students and Career Opportunities

Homeschoolers can excel in any field they choose, with 24% owning their businesses compared to 14% of those from traditional schooling.

Through homeschooling, students can learn valuable job competencies such as self-motivation, resourcefulness, troubleshooting, and working independently.

Resources for Homeschooled Students Planning for the Future

Homeschooled students can take advantage of a range of resources to plan for their future, including their college and career. Examples of such resources are:

  • Homeschooling groups provide resources and guidance for homeschoolers who are preparing for college or a career path
  • College admissions offices are a valuable resource for homeschooled students, as they provide information on what is expected and offer guidance and support with the application process
  • Schools and organizations provide counseling services to assist students in discovering their interests and plans for the future
  • Homeschooled students have plenty of online options to explore college and career paths, from websites to forums catered specifically to them
  • Joining professional organizations in your field is a great way to learn about possible career paths as well as find suitable internships and mentors

The History of Homeschooling

Homeschooling has a long and diverse past, starting in ancient times. Through the centuries, it has evolved and is now a legitimate way to educate children in many countries. In this article, we will explore homeschooling’s history and how it developed into the complex system that exists today.

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Evolution Over Time

Homeschooling has a long and varied history. From ancient Greece and Rome to the present, the practice of parents or guardians teaching children at home has taken on many different forms.

During the Middle Ages, homeschooling was commonly practiced among wealthy households that could pay for private tutors to instruct their kids.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, homeschooling also served as an educational option for children with disabilities or special educational needs who couldn’t attend school.

The homeschooling movement became more mainstream in the late 20th century, particularly gaining traction in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s due to dissatisfaction with public education.

Nowadays, homeschooling is a legal option in numerous countries across the globe.

Final Thoughts

The homeschool journey can turn out to be a prosperous and rewarding option for education. Even though it has its own unique set of difficulties and issues that need to be taken into account, homeschooling also provides certain advantages including customized schooling, the ability to plan around flexibility in the schedule, and very personalized attention.

A vast number of resources and assistance systems are available to those families who decide to pursue homeschooling as a viable choice, with many students later succeeding academically in college or professionally in their respective careers.

It may not be suitable for all households, although homeschooling is an alternative that should be considered by families searching for another option compared to traditional learning.


Trina Greenfield, Author
SmackDown Media LLC

About the Author:
Trina Greenfield, the owner of SmackDown Media LLC, is passionate about providing information to those considering their educational options. Trina is a seasoned writer, content creator, and website owner with a passion for unbiased research, educational platforms for children and adults, as well as all things family-related.
